Thursday 18 October 2012

Smileeee :)

Alolololo.. I guess this kind of social network is not the same as Facebook or twitter huh? A little bit heart broken but still my mind kept on saying, Blogging is for smart people. so it's cooool. (perasan>,<) in facebook, one post done and BOOOM! about 20likes and maybe some comments. But dude, where's the fucking spammer?! surely, this is not facebook! hahaha whether i should still love blogging or not, i don't know. what is this for anyway? Im just giving a part in this for fitting in the trend. Not disliking or anything but, seriously im not into this anymore. Excuse my bad english. Well what can i say, nobody's perfect ~


  1. mula2 sa blogging,
    sa buat utk ckap2 kosong ja..
    tapi smpai skrang bh sa ckap kosong di blog sy.
    usah pedulikan kata orang lain yah..
    some tips,
    ko rajin2 komen di cbox urang.

  2. ohh .. okey2 .. tq for the tips .
    nty sy serang blog ko :)

  3. dipersilakan serang.. heehehehhe..
